Failure analysis, solution & revamp

For installations that produce heat and power - combined heat and power CHP - from biomass, biogas, gas and waste.

Installations do not always perform as is agreed in the contractual specifications.
In the worst case scenario the partner operating the plant ends up stuck with a plant which does not perform, and often results in conflict with the EPC partner that supplied and built the installation.

The reasons for non-performance are not always obvious and need expert analysis.

At CREANERGY, we are able to listen to either or both partners, analyse and observe the performance of the installation and conclude by offering independent advice.

Often deviations between assumed and actual fuel specifications, or conceptual mistakes, are at the heart of the problem, but it is also possible that cost optimisations by the EPC contractor have led to inferior execution.

In either case, we are able to advise a solution and a way forward.

The solution and revamp service may involve adaptations to the fuel management system, the refractories, the commissioning parameters, the cleaning systems, the boiler itself, or some other component.

We are able to design and advise on a solution and assist during the execution.

Our thorough knowledge of the theory and practice of incineration, combined with our state-of-the-art incineration and power plant simulation software and boiler expertise gives us a competitive edge.

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